Saturday, December 31, 2016
Thursday, December 22, 2016
A Very Merry Freemart Christmas to YOU and yours!
Wishing you a fantastic Christmas and I look forward to working with you to make 2017 the most amazing year ever.
Click here for one of our featured Freemart calls!
Kind Regards and Best Wishes for the Holidays!

Saturday, December 3, 2016
Freemart Products Video with John Austin
Learn what makes Freemart different and why the products are so good! :)
Tuesday, November 22, 2016
Phenomenal Products - Leading Edge Nutrition
High quality products along with honesty and integrity, which makes all
the difference in the world when it comes to sharing and wanting to help
others these days in any business.
Freemart is truly going to be a blessing to so many people and it is just
the beginning......
It is attracting some amazing people who do truly care about others and many
of us have been waiting a lot of years for something this good to come along &
it is now here..
They had a few hiccups along the way of course... but all good things come to
those who wait as they say...Plus having 100% faith in the company and CEO
also helps & I do truly believe Freemart will change many lives indeed.
It already has and there are many, many testimonials on the website.
I will be adding mine very shortly as I do have a good experience of my own ...
Plus these products are actually useful as well as necessary to everyone's well
being, so there is no selling, just sharing a great thing- Gotta Love That!!
the difference in the world when it comes to sharing and wanting to help
others these days in any business.
Freemart is truly going to be a blessing to so many people and it is just
the beginning......
It is attracting some amazing people who do truly care about others and many
of us have been waiting a lot of years for something this good to come along &
it is now here..
They had a few hiccups along the way of course... but all good things come to
those who wait as they say...Plus having 100% faith in the company and CEO
also helps & I do truly believe Freemart will change many lives indeed.
It already has and there are many, many testimonials on the website.
I will be adding mine very shortly as I do have a good experience of my own ...
Plus these products are actually useful as well as necessary to everyone's well
being, so there is no selling, just sharing a great thing- Gotta Love That!!
Thursday, October 6, 2016
The new and improved Siaga is now back in stock.
Beyond incredible might just be an understatement..
Click here to listen
Freemart Siaga is a non-heated, water extract of three very important herbs.
We use a new Quantum Extraction Technology (QET(TM)) which preserves all of natural benefits of the Chaga Mushroom, Black Cumin Seed and Licorice Root.
Chaga is so powerful that world famous Russian author Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn dedicated a book to this wonderful herb. Chaga has also been declared an anti-Cancer agent by the U.S. Government’s Library of medicine (Pub Med). Chaga, like many good things, is extremely rare, impossible to reproduce artificially, and can take up to 30 years to grow in the wilderness.
To purchase Siaga or read more about it....
Visit here!
Beyond incredible might just be an understatement..
Click here to listen
Freemart Siaga is a non-heated, water extract of three very important herbs.
We use a new Quantum Extraction Technology (QET(TM)) which preserves all of natural benefits of the Chaga Mushroom, Black Cumin Seed and Licorice Root.
Chaga is so powerful that world famous Russian author Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn dedicated a book to this wonderful herb. Chaga has also been declared an anti-Cancer agent by the U.S. Government’s Library of medicine (Pub Med). Chaga, like many good things, is extremely rare, impossible to reproduce artificially, and can take up to 30 years to grow in the wilderness.
To purchase Siaga or read more about it....
Visit here!
Thursday, September 15, 2016
Update and a great call with Tom to get the latest news!
A good overview about what is happening now at Free-Mart, things are
definitely about to explode and a brand new main website coming soon...
You can listen in now : Just click here!
Am back in Vietnam now & finally back to speedy internet,
so should be adding more here very soon ...
An exciting time to join a REAL business with
REAL products with REAL results ... Join Freemart today!
definitely about to explode and a brand new main website coming soon...
You can listen in now : Just click here!
Am back in Vietnam now & finally back to speedy internet,
so should be adding more here very soon ...
An exciting time to join a REAL business with
REAL products with REAL results ... Join Freemart today!
Friday, August 5, 2016
Fantastic Freemart Water and Updates....
It seems finally things are getting back to normal after some turmoil
recently .. Everything is looking good, products are back in the store...
There is now also a new shipper, new merchant accounts and also new labels
on the bottles and things are going to be very bright for Freemarts' future, yeah!
Check out the page on the water below .. ... Great information there..
The two audios when you scroll down the page are well worth listening to.
Why is Freemart water better than any other on the planet?
Click here to find out
recently .. Everything is looking good, products are back in the store...
There is now also a new shipper, new merchant accounts and also new labels
on the bottles and things are going to be very bright for Freemarts' future, yeah!
Check out the page on the water below .. ... Great information there..
The two audios when you scroll down the page are well worth listening to.
Why is Freemart water better than any other on the planet?
Click here to find out
Friday, June 10, 2016
OK, We are starting again from scratch a re-launch
if you will, new corporation is now done and ready,
AND Free mart will be huge...
The shopping cart was turned off for a while until all the
legal stuff was taken care of.... now done 100% legal and
no one can stop what is coming ........
Another few days and everything will be full steam ahead.
Latest update and news is on the call below, quite sad how
things happened, but a newer, bigger and better Freemart
will be absolutely phenominal.
CLICK HERE TO LISTEN Excellent update!
Tuesday, May 31, 2016
John Austin is still the CEO of Freemart, and David has been stood down.
Personally I could not be happier that Free-Mart is about to announce
some NEW additions to the corporation, so onwards and upwards for sure!
There is still a few issues with shipping to be fixed and after that all will
be full steam ahead .. . YAY!
Here are the names of the new principals, which they will be
posting bios on our website soon.
John Austin CEO (Chief Executive Officer)
Robert Sakahara CFO (Chief Financial Officer)
Calvin Young CPO (Scientist and Chief Product Officer)
Tom Green CTO (Chief Technical Officer)
Monday, May 16, 2016
Wednesday, May 4, 2016
Free Mart Forever - Changing lives already....
=== While the picture on the top left suggests it ~ Free-Mart IS that
"once a blue moon"great opportunity that we all hope & wish for...
usually when the timing is right for you, you will find it, for a reason...
My blog here will be more of a once a blue moon posting one too, lol .
Most of the new information will be added on the video & recording page.
Also if you have any questions with regards to FreeMart, then please go to the
contact me tab... Happy to help any time. I LOVE Freemart! Can you tell? :)
Plus Free Mart is something you can be proud to share with those
you care about....
*Do you have pets that need help ? * Friends or Family that could use help ?
Then Free Mart is your answer.... Join us now to make a difference!
Click here for your FREE Lifetime Membership!
Saturday, April 23, 2016
Free Mart Forever - Changing lives already....
The greatest inventions and the greatest companies are those that filled the
greatest needs. Not only is Free-Mart bringing honour to business but our
products and services are truly revolutionary.
The purity, quality and concentration of our products are second to none.
Most people want to be dealt with honestly and fairly, however the network
marketing industry has been full of greed, trickery and deception for such
a long time.
Free-Mart is the answer to all of those negatives that have kept many honest
people from even getting involved.
Free-Mart has products and technologies that will help to heal the earth and
improve the quality of life for plants, animals and humans.
Our mission is to rid the world of disease and hunger, so if you are the type
of person that would love to be part of a very worthy cause....
We invite you to become a "Free Member" of Free-Mart.
"Click Here For Your Lifetime Membership"
greatest needs. Not only is Free-Mart bringing honour to business but our
products and services are truly revolutionary.
The purity, quality and concentration of our products are second to none.
Most people want to be dealt with honestly and fairly, however the network
marketing industry has been full of greed, trickery and deception for such
a long time.
Free-Mart is the answer to all of those negatives that have kept many honest
people from even getting involved.
Free-Mart has products and technologies that will help to heal the earth and
improve the quality of life for plants, animals and humans.
Our mission is to rid the world of disease and hunger, so if you are the type
of person that would love to be part of a very worthy cause....
We invite you to become a "Free Member" of Free-Mart.
"Click Here For Your Lifetime Membership"
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